Click on an image for more detail
DTOA 3050 ( ) I apologise/You don't know %
DTOA 8399 ( ) Make me belong to you/The way of the world
AUSTRALIA (DO=Columbia 7N=Pye AP=Astor)
DO 4228 ( ) You don't know/Marvellous lie (orange lable)
DO 4269 ( ) Tell me what he said/I apologise (orange lable)
DO 4284 ( ) Let's talk about love/Sometime yesterday (orange lable)
DO 4301 ( ) Little miss lonely/I don't care (orange lable)
DO 4368 ( ) Woe is me/I walked right in (orange lable)
DO 4318 ( ) Keep away from other girls/Cry my heart out (orange lable)
DO 4398 ( ) Not responsible/No trespassing (black lable)
DO 4418 ( ) Look who it is/Walking in my dreams
DO 4445 ( ) Fever/Old father time(black label)
AP 1550 ( ) You'll get me loving you/Silly boy
AP 1605 ( ) Today has been cancelled/Face the music
AP 1713 ( ) Waiting on the shores of nowhere/A glass of wine
AUS7 ( ) Not responsible/No trespassing(reissue?-same lable as Uk EPs(1963 onwards)
BELGIUM (PA=Paradiso Record all others are Columbia)
4824 ( ) Let's talk about love/Sometime yesterday(Red)
4C-006-05198$( ) Queen for tonight/Walkin' back to happiness
PA-90601-7 $(90) PA 90601 7A Look who it is/PA 90601 7B You don't know PS
90602 (90) Walkin' back to happiness/Queen for tonight PS%
SCDF 1138 ( ) Goody goody/After you've gone(Red) P/S
BRAZIL (Musidisc)
CS-122 ( ) You've guessed/Take down a note Miss Smith
CANADA (Capitol)
72050 ( ) Little miss lonely/I don't care
72062 ( ) Let's talk about love/Keep away from other girls
(--) URC 1179 Hocus pocus (Focus)/Queen for tonight (Helen) (Mono) (Underground Records)
CHILE (Odeon)
8254 ( ) Tu no sabes(You don't know)/Mentira maravillosa(Marvellous lie)
8268 ( ) Regresso a la felicidado(Walkin' back to happiness)/Besa y huye (Kiss 'n' run)
8275 ( ) Me disculpo(I apologise)/Guentame lo que el dijo(tell me what he said)
DENMARK (Columbia)
DB 4670 ( ) You don't know/Marvellous lie PS
DB 4715 ( ) Walkin' back to happiness/Kiss n run PS
DB 4782 ( ) Tell me what he said/I apologise PS
DB 4824 ( ) Let's talk about love/Sometime yesterday PS
DB 4869 ( ) 7XCA 26074 Little miss lonely/7XCA 26031 I don't care PS
EIRE (Columbia)
DB(I)4782 ( ) Tell me what he said/I apologise
FRANCE (SCDF/SCRF=Columbia PAPL=Papillon PV=Pye)
SCRF 525 ( ) Tell me what he said/I apologise PS
SCRF 556 ( ) Parlons d'amour/J'ai tant de remords%
SCRF 5557 (62) Tout ce qu'il voudra/J'ai tant de remords%
SCDF 1138 ( ) Goody goody/After you've gone PS
PV 15316 (69) N45PV 11451A Today has been cancelled/N45PV 11451B Face the music PS
PV 15343 ( ) N45PV 2001A Waiting on the shores of nowhere/N45PV 2001B A glass of wine PS
PAPL-923 $(77) Can't break the habit/For all the wrong reasons PS
2C 008-60.570 $(78) 60 570 A 21 M3 321 792 1 Can't break the habit/60 570 B 21 M3 321 793 1For all the wrong reasons PS
INDIA (Columbia)
DB 4715 (61) Walkin' back to happiness/Kiss 'n' run
DB 4824 (62) Let's talk about love/Sometime yesterday
DB 7072 (63) Not responsible/No trespassing
DB 7100 (63) Look over your shoulder/You won't come home
DB 7395 (64) I wish I'd never loved you
DB 7517 (65) Tomorrow is another day/It's so funny I could cry
SCMQ 1523 ( ) You don't know/Marvellous Lie PS %
SCMQ 1550 ( ) Walkin' back to happiness/Kiss 'n' run PS
SCMQ 1585 ( ) I apologise/Tell me what he said PS %
SCMQ 1597 (62) TXCA 26031 T1 16 7 62 I don't care/TXCA 26074 T1 16 7 62 Little miss lonely PS
LL 3039 (61) 4P 4855-1 You don't know/4P 4856-1 Don't treat me like a child
LL 3043 (61) Walkin' back to happiness/Skin Divin(Avons) %
(thanks to Norihisa Oguchi)LL-3047 (2/62) When I'm with you/The Young Ones(Cliff Richard) %
OR-1259 (6-) It's so funny I could cry
EMR-20315 (Toshiba EMI)$( ) S7E-117-A-1 You don't know/S7EJ-117-A-2 Don't treat me like a child (includes picture song sheet in English and Japanese)
NEW ZEALAND (DNZ=Columbia 7N=Pye)
DNZ 10229 ( ) Don't treat me like a child/When I'm with you
DNZ 10233 ( ) You don't know/Marvellous lie
DNZ 10238 ( ) Walkin' back to happiness/Kiss 'n' run
DNZ 10256 ( ) Let's talk about love/Sometime yesterday
DNZ 10262 ( ) Little miss lonely/I don't care
DNZ 10274 ( ) Keep away from other girls/Cry my heart out
DNZ 10294 ( ) Woe is me/I walked right in(Green)
DNZ 10303 ( ) Not responsible/No trespassing(Green)
DNZ 10310 ( ) Look who it is/Walking in my dreams(Green)
DNZ 10343 ( ) Look over your shoulder/You won't come home(Green)
7N-17785 ( ) You've guessed/Take me for awhile
NIGERIA (Columbia)
DB-7395NI ( ) I wish I'd never loved you/I was only kidding
NORWAY (Columbia)
DB 4589 (61) Don't treat me like a child/When I'm with you YELLOW VYNL PS
DB 4670 ( ) You don't know/Marvellous lie PS
DB 4715 (61) 7XCA 25672-A Walkin' back to happiness/7XCA 25673-A Kiss n run PS
DB 4782 (62) Tell me what he said/I apologise
DB 4908 (62) 7XCA 26161-1 Keep away from other girls/7XCA26032-1 Cry my heart out
DB 7130 (63)7XCA 27172 Look who it is/7XCA 27173 Walkin' in my dreams
PPD-45-GR-110412 (2001?) Please Mr postman (Polish postcard disc)
RHODESIA (Columbia)
DSA 427 (62) Sometime yesterday/Let's talk about love
Don't treat me like a child/When I'm with you (78RPM)-no other details
7Pl-63.022 (61) Don't treat me like a child/When I'm with you
SWEDEN (Columbia)
DB 4824 (62) Let's talk about love/Sometime yesterday
TURKEY (Columbia)
Odeon 25477 ( ) Don't Treat me like a child/When I'm with you
Odeon 27172 ( ) Queen For Tonight/Look who it isRT 4685 (63 ) No trespassing/Not responsible
4561 (61)Don't Treat Me Like A Child/When I'm With You
4627 ( 61 ) You don't know/Marvelous lie
4662 ( 61) Walkin' back to happiness/Kiss n' run
4735 (62) Tell me what he said/I apologize(Columbia)
5-9549 (62 ) Keep away from other girls/Little miss lonely
5-9599 (63 ) Woe is me/No trespassing(Epic)
120 (70) Glass Of Wine/Waiting On The Shores Of Nowhere
MU 1075 (65) It might as well rain until September/Shop around
346 (67) Make me belong to you/The way of the world
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Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2001. 2002 Andrew Earwaker
Most recent revision 12th January, 2002